Saturday, April 10, 2010


We need responsibility to feel complete. I always wondered why all my friends, as soon as they were out on their own, wanted to get an animal. They are messy, they add stress, they cost money, and it just seems like an overall bad idea. But it's because we are made to have responsibilities.

I'm not talking about responsibility to yourself. Dishes, laundry, vacuuming - all responsibilities. But let's face it - those are things I need to do for ME...and they don't really bring me happiness.

I'm not talking about responsibility to your job or to your coworkers. We get PAID for that and honestly...don't usually have much of a choice.

I think God, our Provider and our caretaker, made us in His image. He made us so that we thrive on giving ourselves away...just as He has done. We need to be able to give of ourselves, not expecting anything in return, not being paid except in joy. We need to be needed.

Hence the stress we all place on relationships. True relationships require us to give AND receive.

Hence the natural progress of a marriage to children - a couple bonds over their selfless responsibility to a tiny human being.

Hence the desire for pets - a creature that we clean up after and pay to feed that can only repay our love with love in return.

And for me...hence the desire for plants. Yep, that's right. With Spring here and a great balcony I have not yet taken advantage of, I bought some plants. I'm growing some herbs from seeds. I probably won't get enough of them to be able to do anything with....and I don't care. It's something to care for. It's something living that needs me. I am constantly checking to see if they're growing, if they need water, if it's warm enough to put them outside, etc, etc. And it's brought me a tiny bit more joy :)

So there it is. Responsibility is necessary for life.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is a awesome post, and I agree with you completely.

    I am 22, in university, and I have NO responsibilities that to take care of anything or anyone but myself (as selfish as that sounds), but I dont.

    Like you say, I have responsibilities to shower, do my dishes (in uni thats about once a month), do the washing and vacuuming (every 4 months or so). Also eatting, buying food and stuff like that, but that all comes down to surviving, something we must have the responsibility to do in order to survive in this day and age, something we are FORCED to have the responsibility to to do. Along with that goes my University work, its something I do not HAVE to do, however if I want to make the past 2 years pay off, I should, and I need to to get the career I want when I finish, so again that is just something I MUST do.

    I own a pet back at home, however I am not responsible for it when I am in University, and I have NO plants, no girlfriend (at the moment, which sucks), no kids (SO glad) and no pets up here. So really I have absolutely NO responsibilities which I choose to do.

    You've inspired me to do something, turn my eyes inward and look at myself in this particular subject. I have no idea what I am going to do, and the truth is I do not have time for pets or plants, and it is too much to carry back home once I have finished this term at University anyway ha!

    But ... thank you for raising my attention to this

